At Orana, Digital Technologies is offered from Pre-Primary to Year 6. This learning area equips students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to navigate and thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world.
Through engaging, hands-on activities, students broaden their digital skills and enhance their understanding. Lessons cover topics and skills such as iPad proficiency, creating digital content, algorithms and coding, robotics, hardware and software, and data representation.
Podcasting is offered to a small group of Year 6 students each year. This program allows participants to learn more complex audio editing skills, enhance their creative and academic writing ability, and build confidence in speaking and listening. This is an entirely student led project and has been received with great enthusiasm.
During Digital Technologies lessons, strong emphasis is placed on digital citizenship and wellbeing. Students learn to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, developing critical skills while fostering positive digital habits. These skills are reinforced in the classrooms and other specialist subjects.
Collaboration, creativity and problem-solving are at the heart of Digital Technologies at Orana. By participating in the engaging and challenging lessons offered, students build skills that are essential for the 21st century, laying the foundation for future academic and personal success.