Music is an integral, enjoyable and rewarding part of the Orana Catholic Primary School community. We are proud to offer a vibrant and inclusive music program to our students where we strive for teamwork and excellence within our ensembles.
The students engage in a comprehensive classroom music program from Pre Primary to Year 6. Music skills taught include: Singing, Playing, Listening, Reading and Writing, Responding, Creating and Improvising.
Over the last 10 years, Orana has won numerous awards at the Catholic Schools
Performing Arts Festival including seven top awards. This festival is seven weeks
long and incorporates all facets of the performing arts and involves over 20,000
students from Catholic primary and high schools.
- Parents and Friends Federation Award for the best Primary School
Concert Band: Orana School Concert Band - 1999, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021. - Archbishop Foley Award for Primary Liturgical Choir: Orana Senior Choir
2015. - Parents and Friends Federation Golden Jubilee Award for Primary
Instrumental Duet: 2016 - A.Carlos and W.Bennion (Tenor Horn Duet)
2017 - J.Padua and W.Bennion.(Euphonium Duet) 2019 – S.Giuffre and S. Ramanathan (Clarinet Duet) 2021 - J. Giuffre and P. Winfield (Trumpet Duet) - Presentation Sister’s Award for Primary Dance - Orana Dance Group
2018. - Sisters of Mercy Perth Award for Primary Instrumental Solo – C.Chang -
Classical Guitar - 2018. - Sister of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart Award for Primary Instrumental Ensemble. Orana Saxophone Trio – 2019
- Sisters of Mercy West Perth Congregation Perpetual Trophy for Primary Piano Solo - C.Chang 2019
- The Zenith Commendation Award for Sustained Improvement (Primary).
This award was in recognition of the school's substantial growth in our
performing arts programme. 2014 (Inaugural winners) and 2015. - The Zenith Excellence Award for Outstanding Performance and
Participation in the Spirit of the Festival (Metropolitan - Primary) 2016,
2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021.
Students from Year 3 have the opportunity to learn a number of instruments at Orana.
- Brass (Trumpet/Cornet, Tenor Horn, Trombone or Baritone/Euphonium)
- Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet or Saxophone)
- String (Classical Guitar or Bass Guitar)
- Percussion (Drum Kit and Tuned Percussion)
- Voice
Students experience the excitement of performing in a group ensemble with the School Concert Band Programme and Classical Guitar Ensemble on offer. Any student is eligible to join the School Band or Guitar Ensemble once they have met a minimum standard on their instrument.
Students are tutored by highly qualified instrumental teachers who bring a wealth of experience and talent to Orana. Lessons are conducted throughout the week during school hours (before school or lunch time lessons may be available on request). Instrument hire is also available from the school for all Brass and Woodwind instruments. Students learning guitar or drums require their own instrument.
Orana music students participate in a number of events throughout the year including Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival, Fremantle Eisteddfod, Southern Suburban Music Society Eisteddfod, WA Flute Competition, Meraki School Festival and the Children's Sing Festival. A large number of students complete AMEB ( Australian Music Examinations Board) or ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal School of Music) exams.
A number of Orana musicians are successful every year in gaining music scholarships to Catholic, Independent and sought after public high schools.
Orana offers students the opportunity to participate in one of two school choirs. A Senior Choir for students in Year 4-6 and a Junior Choir for students in Year 2 and 3.