Catholic schools operating as part of the Catholic Church have a vital mission to provide a Catholic education for the children of families with the Parish. The collection of school fees is approached in the spirit of Christian charity and justice. In setting and collection of school fees the following is to be noted;

  • Financial grounds shall never be the reason for the non-enrolment or exclusion of any child from 
a Catholic school. Families with limited capacity to pay school fees have an entitlement to claim a fee concession. Requests for fee concessions shall be treated with dignity, fairness, compassion and confidentiality.
  • Families with eligible means tested family concession cards have an automatic entitlement to tuition fee concessions. Application must be made each year before the end of first term (forms available at the office) and the card must be current.

It should also be noted;

  • Where parents/carers have the capacity to pay fees, the collection of school fees shall be actively pursued.