Orana is a co-educational Catholic Primary School for Pre-Kindergarten to Year Six students, with approximately 440 enrolments. Established in 1980 by the Loreto Order, the name 'Orana' is an Aboriginal word meaning 'Welcome'; the school motto is 'To Give is to Receive', and both are fundamental to the culture and ethos of our school. Orana Catholic Primary School Values; Generosity, Respect and Excellence, are the cornerstone of the school and community culture. The school enjoys a strong relationship with our local parish community, Saints John and Paul Parish, Willetton. Approximately 65% of students currently enrolled are Catholic.

We embrace the diversity of our community, representing cultural heritage from approximately 42 different backgrounds. Our community represents a diverse range of cultures, including African, Chinese, Indian, Irish,South Korean and Indonesian.

At Orana Catholic Primary School, we strive to provide a child-focused, holistic education, with our students central to the decisions and directions taken. We aim to develop the whole child; spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally and academically.  We promote best practices in teaching pedagogy; high levels of collaboration and high expectations, which are all essential to increasing student engagement. There is a whole school approach to support the social and emotional learning of all students.

The teaching staff are part of a strong learning community focused on developing the whole child, through quality teaching and learning and a collaborative learning environment. We continually strive to challenge, engage and connect with our learners. The school has a strong focus on developing numeracy and literacy skills through the provision of dedicated teaching blocks, support and differentiation to cater to students' needs. A positive, effective and socially supportive learning community is actively promoted.

Our school prides itself on being an innovative environment, achieving recognition as an Apple Distinguished School since 2011. We also have an extensive, award-winning Music Program, including instrumental tuition, giving students varied opportunities to learn and perform. As a point of difference, we offer families a school-run Out of School Hours Care Service and vacation care program. Specialist classes are offered in Digital Technology, Auslan, Music, Physical Education, Health and Science. Auslan and Health were introduced as specialist subjects in 2023.

At Orana Catholic Primary School, we value families and our community members as vital partners in the education of our students. We have an active and supportive Parents & Friends Association. In 2023, we established the Orana Playgroup for families of Orana and the parish.

Qualifications Number
Master's Degree 3
Bachelor's Degree 21
Graduate Diploma 3
Diploma of Teaching 1


Male Female
Teaching Staff 2 26
Non-teaching Staff 2 20
Indigenous Staff 0 0


Year Level Percentage Attendance
Kindergarten 87.80%
Pre-Primary 92.21%
Year 1 88.52%
Year 2 91.91%
Year 3 92.97%
Year 4 92.3%
Year 5 92.71%
Year 6 91.62%
Average 91.25%


Absentee Procedure

Parents and Carers of children that are going to be absent from school on any given day, must advise the school before 9am via email or the attendance button on the school website. The attendance will then be recorded on the computer system and the child's absence will be considered as an explained absence. Parents and Carers who do not let the school know that their child is absent will receive a computer-generated SMS to the nominated mobile phone number stating that their child has been marked as absent. All parents of children with unexplained absences will be emailed. Parents and Carers are required to respond in writing either via email or written note with information regarding the absence. It is a legal requirement that all absences are explained.

Regular Non-Attendance

These procedures will be followed for students if non-attendance becomes a concern.

  1. If unresolved attendance falls below 90 percent, the student's teacher will follow up with a phone call.
  2. If attendance falls below 80 percent, the school will arrange an attendance meeting with the class teacher and Assistant Principal.
  3. Further support will be arranged through the school social worker and Catholic Education WA if the non-attendance concern is unresolved.



Year Three

Assessment Area Orana CPS Average CEWA Schools Average State Average National Average
Numeracy 428 401 401 407
Writing 414 413 411 417
Reading 411 400 394 404
Spelling 410 401 399 404
Grammar 419 403 400 409


Year Five

Assessment Area Orana CPS Average CEWA Schools Average State Average National Average
Numeracy 525 483 484 488
Writing 511 484 478 483
Reading 522 495 490 496
Spelling 528 491 488 490
Grammar 531 490 491 496



Parent Satisfaction

Level of parent satisfaction at Orana Catholic Primary School is high based on the following:

  • Strong support for school and P & F functions
  • Strong level of parental/carer involvement on rosters
  • Positive parental/carer interaction with staff
  • Enrolment recommendations from current parents/carers
  • Good responses to requests for assistance
  • Letters of support and gratitude to staff and principal
  • Second generation enrolments

It is acknowledged that a significant proportion of new parents who attend our school do so on the recommendation of parents currently within our school. Parents who attend enrolment interviews for siblings of students who already attend the school, are also asked for feedback. The feedback indicates that families value the following aspects:

  • Positive community feel
  • Family focus
  • High levels of communication

Student Satisfaction

Students at Orana Catholic Primary School play in a happy, safe and friendly environment based on the following:

  • Positive engagement with year-level buddies across the school
  • Keen interest and participation in programmes offered
  • High level of cooperation with staff
  • Willingness to participate
  • Strong evidence of collaboration among students

Staff Satisfaction

Orana Catholic Primary School is a collaborative and positive working environment. Our climate survey data shows strong staff satisfaction. Quality relationships are established between the staff, our families and Parish community. Visitors to the school comment on the welcoming and happy disposition of staff. The recent Quality Catholic Education School Review panel reported that staff voice is sought and appreciated.


The latest information can be viewed at the

2023 Year 6 Graduates - Destination Schools
All Saints' College 1
Christian Brothers' College Fremantle 2
Como Secondary College 1
Corpus Christi College Bateman 13
John Curtin College of the Arts 5
Kennedy Baptist College 1
Leeming Senior High School 1
Lumen Christi 2
Penhros College 2
Perth Modern School 1
Rossmoyne Senior High School 8
St Norbert College Queens Park 3
Willetton Senior High School 10
Quality Catholic Education


School Improvement Plan Goal Achievements
Catholic Education ·       Explore and deepen the staff and student understanding of the Orana School Values (Generosity, Respect and Excellence).

·       Continue the whole school focus on the charism of each of the Orana Houses; Francis, Ward, Salvado and MacKillop.

·            Staff and students engaged with the value of Respect through class-based, student-led inquiry projects.

·            Whole School Masses were dedicated to each of the significant Catholics that our Houses are named after. Signage is installed in the hall to promote the character strengths that these patrons display.

·            House Awards are presented each year to students that demonstrate the character traits demonstrated by their house patron.

·            New uniform planning has included new house logos that have been designed by students.

Education ·       Explore and use the Orana Vision for Learning, underpinned by the learning principles: Challenge, Engage and Connect.

·       Continue the Early Childhood Charter Project.






·       Consistent Implementation of the Keeping Safe Curriculum.

·       Finalised and published the Orana Vision for Learning.

·       Orana Learning Principles were reframed to ensure collective understanding and consistent use to drive lesson design.

·       The charter reflects the cornerstones for current best practices in early childhood education. The five stepping stones for learning; Faith, Relationships, Play, Engagement and Environment are visually represented and now on display in each classroom and junior primary area.


·       Staff professional development on the Keeping Safe Curriculum was provided with opportunities for staff to share various approaches, upskill and keep up to date with newly released resources.

Community ·      Continue to explore ways to embrace the cultural differences and diversity in our community.

·      Provide opportunities for partnerships between parents and school to enhance understanding of the learning process and child development.

·      Research and establish a playgroup to serve the Orana and parish families.

·    Engaged with the CEWA Learning Equity Team and English as an Additional Dialect or Language consultants for professional development and to develop strategies to implement for students and families.

·    Reformatting parent information sessions to increase engagement.

·    Prioritised communication between home and school by seeking parent feedback and refining parent sessions.

·    Drafted School-Based Communication Guidelines.

·    Effectively utilised CEWA's Interpreting Service to ensure communication is not inhibited due to language barriers.

·    Playgroup commenced in Term Two, supported by Playgroup WA.

Stewardship ·      Increase awareness of Catholic Social Teaching Principles and the direct link to school-based decisions.

·      Improved sustainability as an individual and collective endeavour within daily school life and shared with the school community.

·    Professional Development on Catholic Social Teaching.

·    Pastoral Care Coordinator mentored the Year Six Social Justice Team.

·    Waste Sorted initiative continues to evolve.

·    The Year Six Sustainability team share and promote the message of rethinking and reducing waste with other students, families and staff.

School Advisory Council Chairperson Report AGM 2023

Advisory Council Chair Report 2023


The My School website has two main purposes.

Firstly, it provides parents and students with information on each school - its view of itself and its mission, its staffing, its resources and its students' characteristics and their performances.

Secondly, it provides schools and their communities with comparisons of their students' performances in literacy and numeracy with those of students in other schools, most importantly those in schools that serve similar students. These comparisons provide information to support improvements in schools. Among schools with similar students, those achieving higher student performances can stimulate others to lift expectations of what they and their students can achieve. The schools with higher performing students can be a source of information for others on the policies and practices that produce those higher performances.

Click here to visit the My School website. Simply search under Orana Catholic Primary School.