Orana is one of over 30 Catholic schools that utilise the services of a qualified and experienced Social Worker. It is a school-based service, providing counselling and support to help students and their families navigate social and emotional challenges relating to school, or affecting a child’s academic performance.
The Social Worker works collaboratively with staff, parents and students to optimise the educational experience of students. The service is at no cost to Orana families.
Students can self-refer, be referred by parents or teachers. The Social Worker provides individual support, mediation, class programs, facilitates small group work, refers to outside agencies and provides information and support to the wider school community.
Kath Warburton is the Social Worker at Orana, and is available Monday to Thursday. Kath can be contacted by calling the school office on 9376 8300 or by email: kathryn.warburton@cewa.edu.au

Useful Links:
Raising Children
Kids' Helpline